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This month's most useful tools for developers < September 2019

This month's most useful tools for developers < September 2019

Some are about new thinking or new techniques, some are about legacy technology and some are just useful resources for different languages or platforms. Some are just lolz. The brief is simple - if we think they’re useful, you might too.

Why Don’t We Just Call Agile What It Is: Feminist

Find out more about agile here

Apple maps flyover mode has been released

Dad invents an app that locks Children’s phones if they don’t reply

See the genius here

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iOS 13 exploit bypasses the lock screen for access to contacts


Read the details in this article 

BBC's technology report shows an experiment with till free shopping did go quite to plan

Shopping via app reveals consumers are not quite ready for till-free grocery buying, read more here

‘Don't get locked up into avoiding lock-in’

How to avoid being locked into one aspect often locks you into another

Android 10- 5 best new features

google pixel 3a phones


The next version of Google's mobile operating system has been rolled out. Here's what you'll see when you upgrade.

Xamarin Essentials Guide

This document links to various guides that describe Xamarin. Essentials, which provides developers with cross-platform APIs for their mobile applications.

On the Internet’s Next Act

UWB will drive AR and proof of location, combat deep fakes, power your glasses and more

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