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Microsoft Partner
This month's most useful tool for developers < January 2019

This month's most useful tool for developers < January 2019

This month's most useful tool for developers < January 2019

Some are about new thinking or new techniques, some are about legacy technology and some are just useful resources for different languages or platforms. Some are just lolz. The brief is simple - if we think they’re useful, you might too.


Testing responsive design?


Sizzy is a great developer tool for testing responsive design on multiple devices at once. Take a look!


Need to make local HTTPS deployment less annoying?

Us too. Read this.


Ever wondered what a 24.9 Billion pixel image looks like?

This image of Shanghai is so sharp it could cut you.


New year, new Github?

They've announced unlimited free private repos and a unified Enterprise offering.


Fine art photography?


We're obsessed with Tom Blanchford's Nihon Noir.


The state of security in 2019

A great article on the state of software development security in 2019. Worth a read for anyone interested in the good, the bad, the ugly and what we can do about it.


Don't be afraid to S***

A great blog on the power of simplicity in advertising.


Star wars lego like you've never seen it before!

star wars lego

Errr, take my money.


Could Deno be the new Node?

A fascinating post reflecting on Ryan's Dahl's speech "10 things I regret about node.js".


Need a one-stop shop for developer news?

We love Dev Urls. Take a look! 


Looking for a Javascript animation library?

Look no further. Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects. This thing is amazing!


Scripts to rule them all...

one script

Here is a great set of boilerplate scripts describing the normalized script pattern that GitHub uses in its projects.


Worst passwords of 2018?

You'll be shocked by the most used password.


The 10 year challenge?

Look at how infamous websites have changed over the last 10 years.


Want to use VS code like a pro?

A great resource for people who want to learn to use V.S Code like a pro, also for those experienced developers to increase their productivity. Check it out!


DevOps at scale?

This is a great case study of how 6 businesses scaled DevOps within their organisations.


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