Microsoft Partner
Microsoft Partner
Developing and Modernising Mobile apps with

Developing and Modernising Mobile apps with have been breaking new ground in the insurance market since their inception in 2002. The team at have a clear vision to use the Microsoft tech stack, including Machine learning and deep learning to save their customers time and money. This has led to cutting the time it takes customers to get a quote from hours to minutes and now, with the mobile app, to just seconds. have expanded their portfolio of services from car insurance to over 30 product lines offering customers easy comparison on their website and mobile app for iOS and Android. Helping users find the right product at the right price.

Since our team began working with back in 2018 on the QuickQuote app their innovative mindset kept them recognisable in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Throughout the partnership, using our Azure, DevOps, Application Development & Xamarin expertise to develop new features and enhancements for the mobile app, trust and openness has been critical.

We look forward to continuing our relationship throughout 2022 and beyond.

Find out more about our approach to mobile app development.